Episode 3: Noni Cragg
In episode three of season four I chat with celebrated artist and activist, Noni Cragg. Of Irish, Scottish and First Nation heritage, it’s Noni’s style to celebrate diverse and otherwise under-represented identities in all areas of her existence including her professional and personal portraiture. Inspired by culture, colour and people, Noni is unapologetically outspoken and whether she’s bedecked in all black or she’s coloured herself bad, it’s her style to be seen and to be heard.
Not the shy and retiring wallflower type, I’ve styled Noni in a pair of her own iridescent cowboy boots, some Bowie inspired glitter flares from Alice McCall, and a tonally matched vintage shirt from my collection.
“The more you learn about yourself and your background, I feel like you can only know yourself better and love yourself better.”
“Don’t fuck with me or I’ll bitch-slap you with some colour...I think that’s what my fashion says.”
Photography by Giuseppe Santamaria @ MITT Work