Stepping Out with Eman Fendi


In episode 7 of Style Stories: Stepping Out, I chat with celebrity and fashion stylist, Eman Fendi who hails from Brooklyn, New York and was literally at the airport about to step on to a flight when we recorded this interview. Eman and I met 5 years ago at New York Fashion Week and I was immediately struck by her strong voice, her generosity of spirit and her iconoclastic style (to give you an indication of what that means - at the time she had paired her hijab with a leather harness). Eman’s style may have evolved as she’s started to delayer some of the constraints of her strict upbringing but the heart of her story remains honest, courageous and continues to esteem her Egyptian roots. Whether she’s competing in reality TV shows, studying neuroscience or just simply helping her clients hail a cab, the beauty of Eman is in how she combines strength with vulnerability, hip hop with a touch of Princess Di, and yet all the all the while her style remains whole-heartedly New York.

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